Rabbits with Special Needs
Life with a special needs rabbit can be both challenging and very rewarding. Disability does not necessarily mean the end, as many special needs rabbits live long and happy lives. Special needs can include illness, disability, or simply the challenges of old age.

Special Needs

Senior Rabbits and Elderbuns
Senior Rabbits Handout (Triangle Rabbits PDF, February 2022)
Elderbun Care Handout (Triangle Rabbits PDF, March 2022)
Quality of Life
Caring for the Chronically Ill
Health Issues of the Elder Rabbit
Elderbun Care Handout (Triangle Rabbits PDF, March 2022)
Quality of Life
Caring for the Chronically Ill
Health Issues of the Elder Rabbit

Megacolon in Rabbits webinar recording, HRS Educator Paula Watkins, August 2020
Slides for the Megacolon in Rabbits presentation, August 2020
Slides for the Megacolon in Rabbits presentation, August 2020

Carts and Mobility
Triangle Rabbits is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving North Carolina, U.S.A.